The North Coast Rape Crisis Team
also serves as
Cal Poly Humboldt’s
Campus Advocate Team (CAT)
The Campus Advocate Team, or CAT is made up of advocates from the North Coast Rape Crisis Team and provides FREE & CONFIDENTIAL tailored support and services to Cal Poly Humboldt (Formerly Humboldt State University) students, staff and faculty of all gender identities who have been affected by sexual assault, dating/ domestic violence, stalking, and/or sexual harassment.
Services through our on and off-campus offices include:
– 24/7 Support Hotline: (707) 445-2881
– Individual counseling
– Assistance in securing on-campus interim measures such as changing dorms and/or classes, making up exams, priority access to counseling and/or health services etc.
– Advocacy and accompaniment during the university reporting or investigative process
– Advocacy and accompaniment to law enforcement, court, medical, ect. appointments
– Information and resources (both on or off campus)
– Title IX educational workshops
The Cal Poly Humboldt Campus Advocate Team has NO reporting obligations to Law enforcement and/or admin.
Our services are for anyone who has experienced violence at ANY time in their lives regardless of how long ago it occurred.
We hold no stance on reporting. We are pro survivor and pro healing. We support your decision to report or not to report 100%.
Have more questions about Title 9 at Cal Poly Humboldt?
CPH Campus Resources
Campus Advocate Team
24 Hr Hotline: (707) 445-2881
TTY line available M-F 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
(707) 443-2738
Student Health Center*
(707) 826-3146
TIX Office
(707) 826-5177
Counseling & Psychological services*
Counseling work groups (click here)
(707) 826-3236
Dean of Students
(707) 286-3504
University Police Department
(707) 826-5555
* May have a reporting obligation to Law Enforcement or the Dean of Students
Additional resources & information
Cal Poly Humboldt Stop Rape: Response & Prevention
Cal Poly Humboldt Title 9 Website: https://titleix.humboldt.edu/